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The Mile House Therapeutic School home page

The Mile House Therapeutic School

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Outdoor Education and Life Skills

Skills for Independence - We seek to develop in each student a sense of achievement, encouraging high expectations and a strong sense of self-worth and self-esteem within a happy, secure, and safe framework that actively promotes collaboration, mutual respect, and responsibility.


Our curriculum is designed to ensure that individual students are as active as possible in their own learning and that they become curious about the world around them. We know that motivation grows from experiences, from interaction and the environment and we seek to ensure there is true relevance and context to all learning.


In order to encourage maximum engagement and provide relevant learning opportunities in line with preparation for adulthood, we include life skills and real-world contexts and experiences as part of a student's curriculum. 


We have developed successful partnerships with external providers to ensure that we are able to offer a broad, high-quality approach to provision beyond the classroom.



Exceed is a wonderful outdoor and workshop-based learning provision owned by Calcot Services for Children. At Exceed, students have access to vocational activities such as hair and beauty and woodwork and they can develop life skills and teamwork through forest school and animal care.


Exceed has extensive grounds for the students to explore and develop as part of their learning, and is currently home to pygmy goats, alpacas, Shetland ponies and miniature donkeys. 

Exceed Prospectus